Presentations & Workshops


“Apollo Women: Performance and Activism." Virtual Educators' Workshop, Apollo Theater
“Touching the Sun: Music, Trauma, and Youth in New York City.” Music, Sound, and Trauma: Interdisciplinary Perspectives Virtual Conference, Indiana University
“The Sugarloaf Mudslide: Climate Change and Musical Activism in Sierra Leone.” Society for Ethnomusicology Virtual Annual Meeting, Carleton University and Queen’s University
“Twelve and Me: Teaching the Apollo Theater’s Between the World and Me Curriculum.” International Council for Traditional Music (ICTM) Music, Education, and Social Inclusion Group Conference, Universidad Interamericana, Puerto Rico, COVID Cancellation
“Lonta! Environmental Sustainability Messages in the Music of Sierra Leone’s Freetong Players.” Responses to Music in Climate Change Conference, CUNY Graduate Conference, COVID Cancellation
“Kykunkor: Early American Encounters with Sierra Leonean Dance Dramas.” American Contact Virtual Conference, Princeton University and the University of Pennsylvania
“Freetown Soundscape: Chosan’s Love Song to Sierra Leone.” Un/Sounding the Relational City Conference, New York University, New York, NY
“Beyond the Estate: Migration Messages in the Music of Emcee Chosan.” African/Diaspora Migrations, Displacements, and Movements Conference, Howard University, Washington, DC
“Lonta! Ecomusicological Messages in the Songs of Sierra Leone’s Freetong Players Musical Arts Troupe.” Popular Culture Association/American Culture Association Conference, Washington, DC
“‘Trilliant’: Searching for Truth, Realness, and Brilliance in Music and the Public Humanities.” Northeast Chapter of the Society for Ethnomusicology Conference, Colby College, Waterville, ME
“Hip-Hop and Trauma in New York City.” PHENND Trauma and the Arts: Mobilizing Anchor Institutions, University of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia, PA
“Student Musical Tastes: Exploring Musical Cultures through Writing in Middle School through College Classrooms." Teachers in the Round Conference, Lehman College, Bronx, NY
“‘Say It Again’: Stories of Worthy Witnessing with Emcee Chosan.” Society for Ethnomusicology Annual Meeting, Albuquerque, NM
“‘The Educational Coffeehouse’: Using Sierra Leonean Hip-Hop Music in New York City Teacher Workshops.” International Council for Traditional Music (ICTM) African Musics Symposium, Accra, Ghana